Unstuffy 01 — Boston
JUN 12 – 14 , 2024

We’re coordinating a small + humble convening of folks who care about access and equity in the arts. Our first gathering is intentionally informal to cultivate deep conversations and opportunities for playful experimentation.

WED JUN 12 [ 2–6PM ]
Tactile Printing Workshop
New Impressions Print Studio – 52 Broadway • Somerville, MA • 02145

A low-stakes charrette. Let’s put a handful of artists and designers in a room together and see what happens. We’ll collaborate to create a series of relief prints. Current participants include: Stephen Proski, Fayen d’Evie, Lloyd Mst, Andy Slater, Nelly KateIan Condry and Emily Sara.

Cost for participation is $60 / person for materials and shared use of an etching press.

THU JUN 13 [ 1–5PM ]
Gathering + Sharing Session
MIT Spatial Sound Lab – 84 Massachusetts Ave. [429] • Cambridge, MA • 02139

THU JUN 13 [ 7–10PM ]
Dinner at Powderhouse

FRI JUN 14 [ 11AM–4PM ]
Field Trip