
Our services for artists, programmers and presenters reflect our emphasis on access as a temporary, collective and experimental space. We love working with adventurous people with generous ideas. If your work carries a sensory, literary or socially-engaged sensibility, we’re equipped to carry that into the access you offer.

Trying to figure out how to bring presenting accessible works for audiences with sensory impairments? Let’s do it together. Got an appetite for spatialised captions, languaging sounds, layered interpretations and plural perspectives?

Access consultations for artists and presenters
We especially love talking about access from the early stages of a work—where access strategies can become an integral part of creative expression rather than an unwieldy add-on. As artists, writers and designers, we relish the chance to listen carefully to your ideas. We can suggest existing methods or tools that might resonate, and fit within your budget. And where no existing methods fit, we can help you devise new approaches.

Drop-in clinic
For festivals and commissioning programmes, we can host a drop-in clinic for artists who are considering an application—enhancing the impact of an idea while supporting them to consider modes of working with access, and helping them to devise an access budget or rider before submitting a proposal.

Captioning approaches for video and live performance
We love captioning and the incredible potential it holds for conveying meaning through timing, positioning, style and subjectivity. Talk to us about spatially—and temporally-aware captioning of screen content, live performance or even remote performance. (You might never type ‘[music]’ in your captions again...)

Audiodescription for creative works

Most established approaches to audiodescription prefer a neutral position, where interpretation should be avoided. We specialise in fostering audiodescriptive approaches that are interpretive, expressive or even performative—acknowledging the subjectivity of the describer—offering an engaged perspective to users of all sensory abilities. Keen to explore multiple simultaneous descriptions? So are we.

Tactile graphic and stage design

Is your staging or costuming inclusive for performers or audiences with sensory impairments? We can help you think through sensory wayfinding and performance cues, tactile printing, model-making and more.

Accessible publication design

From marketing to instructional materials, posters and websites to book-length publications, we can bring together skilled people to assist with any process—from writing Plain English or Easy Read copy to contrast-friendly colour palettes, responsive layouts, multilingual design, and textured printing and debossing.

© Access Lab & Library 2024Naarm & Jaara Country